Sunday 3 January 2021

Happy New Year : Looking back, to look ahead

Yet another new year is upon us. There is, of course the joy of moving forward.

But there is also some trepidation.

2020 was a tough one, and the challenges we faced last year follow us into this one too. Yet, I think it came with its own kind of illumination.

There are at least 3 facets of life that I have walked away enriched about because of all that 2020 brought with it:

#1. Fresh gratitude for all we take for granted

Many around the world lost loved ones to the deadly virus in 2020. It is most unfortunate.I feel the pain. But I also feel most grateful that my family, friends and me have been safe, so far.

In a year when we have spent much time in lockdowns or just avoiding contracting the virus, I also feel more appreciative of all the usual activities that were earlier part of day-to-day life.

Hanging out with friends over a drink, working in the buzzing environment of a coffee shop and working out at the gym are just some of the things I have missed during the year.

But if we could not go out, there were opportunities to go within as well. I, for one, am grateful for the chance to pick up some skills that would have been unlikely in any other scenario.

My next post has more of that, so stay tuned. Alternatively, you can check out on my Instagram handle, @manika_ps, where a lot of stuff gets posted first.

#2. Lightening up

The next big facet that 2020 brought out for me was the importance of lightening up. 

And I do not say that frivolously. It was almost a survival tactic during the year when so much around us was immeasurably sad.

Keeping lightness of spirit is particularly hard at such times, but it is so needed.

In keeping with this, my new year facebook post was titled ‘New Year, New Thoughts’. It was based on this post below that was originally shared by the Language Nerds page on fb.

I laughed out loud after reading it.

Partly because it's such a hilarious misread and partly because we have ALL at some point misunderstood situations.

It's all just part of the great big drama called life!

So as we start a brand new year, I think this hilarious post serves as a nice reminder to us to:

  • Take ourselves less seriously
  • Not believe every thought we think to automatically be the absolute truth
  • Be understanding of others when they genuinely misunderstand us
  • To laugh at ourselves when we make crazy (and hopefully small) errors in judgment
  • And lastly, to be kind to ourselves when we do, instead of berating ourselves.

At this time of all times, we need to work with both compassion and grace. I can certainly do with more of both!

#3. Keeping the perspective

While the photo above made it first as my Happy New Year message, there is another one that I like a lot too. Hopefully, it will be a truly optimistic finish to this post. 

The photo above was a friend’s new year greeting to me. The accompanying text with it said 'The Year of the Vaccine'. I was immediately moved by it. Here is why.

We can look at 2020 as one of the most disastrous years ever for the collective in a long, long time. Or we can look at it as the year when we started to beat the darkness that surrounds us, thanks to the efforts of so many who have worked tirelessly to keep us safe. 

And this maybe the year that the darkness truly dissipates.

In the words of Neil Gaiman of American Gods fame, “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”

Here’s hoping that 2021 is indeed the year when the metaphorical dragon is beaten.

Happy New Year everyone! My sincere wish for all of you is to stay safe, light and optimistic.

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