Even though, I knew from the start that these shoes were a bit tight for my foot type, I had bought them, half hoping that they would loosen overtime. Sometimes, they do. And they made me feel so good, never mind some discomfort.
The first time I had seen these shoes worn, was when Julie, the Hollywood star, walked across the red carpet in a stunning black gown, sparkling emerald earrings and soft locks cascading down her face, hand in hand with her handsome actor beau. But the heels, they stood out the most for me, as she obliged to pose for the throngs of paparazzi.
There was something about those shoes that made me feel like a star myself. Like the one with the perfect, charmed life. That feeling I got every time we walked into a party. Like tonight. Everyone either admired us or envied us. The perfect couple. The fairy tale love story. The dream wedding. She, the doe eyed beauty, he the foreign returned guy, ready to take over the reins of the thriving family business.

Even now, every time I walked into a party, I got a taste of what that perfection felt like. A part of me wanted to bottle up that feeling. He had started saying I like going to all these social events a bit too much. I wasn’t sure how much was too much, but I sure wanted to go.
The next morning, I woke up feeling fresh, but my feet still pained from the cuts left by shoes. Its only a matter of a few days, then it will be fine, I thought. A little bit of band-aid and it will feel like nothing ever happened.
I was just getting out of bed when he came and sat beside me, held my hand and with his eyes going cold, said “My wife, my life, you are the worst human being on this planet”. It had started again. I knew these bouts so well. “What did I do this time?” I asked, my voice quivering.
“You did not lay out my clothes before you went to bed last night. Now I am late for work.”
He said, with rising anger in his voice.
“But it was late in the night, I was tired. I forgot.” I said, trying to explain.
“I married you for good reasons, and being forgetful was not one of them.” He hollered now.
“You are an awful person, who only cares about herself, without any regard for anyone.”
“It was just one day.” I was pleading now, trying to make him stop.
It was a few minutes before he stopped saying things to me. And then he walked out in a huff.
I bawled my heart out after he left.” Why does he always do this to me? Why does he treat me like this? “, I thought. It is just one of those days, I explained myself. He will be fine by evening. “Until the next time.” Said a tiny voice in my head. I brushed it aside.
I picked up the daily entertainment supplement of the newspaper to distract myself, as the help got me my perfect cup of morning coffee. “Hollywood heartthrobs Julie and Joe to split” read the headline in bold letters. The photograph below the headline showed a picture of the couple at the same red carpet event, where she wore those beautiful heels. They looked happy, holding hands, but the picture now showed a lightning strike between them, suggesting a break. The article spoke of “irreconcilable differences between the two” as the reason for the separation.
My phone beeped, reminding me of the girls’ lunch at the new seafood joint launched by the chef from one of the leading hotels recently. I had completely forgotten about it! The girls’ lunch was organised by the club of ladies, to share stories about life and catch up on the latest buzz in town.
I can wear the peep toes again, I though excitedly. They are ideally for an evening event, but what the heck, I can always make them work. “You can make them work, but remember that you are still the worst person in the world… remember.”, a voice said in my head again. I shut my eyes, and tried to keep the thoughts out.
Carefully putting band-aid in multiple places on my feet – only those which wouldn’t show through the shoes – I got up and left. It was a bit painful in the shoes, but I could manage well. Soon as I was outside the house, I realised I had forgotten my earrings. “Who would have married you if they knew that you are this forgetful?” said the voice in my head, again.
“Stop it!” I said out loud. The shoes were pressing against my feet again, and wearing them was even more painful now.
I went back inside, and wore my earrings. Looking at myself in the mirror, I said to myself: “You are not that forgetful… and you are not the worst person in the world.” Sitting down by the edge of the bed, I took off my shoes. They had not fit me from the beginning, perfect as they looked. And they never will.
Changing into a more comfortable pair, I walked out. And did not turn back.
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